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发布时间:2017-2-17 10:49:12


Congratulations to Mars Chocolate North America on their Topeka, KS plant being named Food Engineering's 2015 Plant of the Year! We are proud to have our floors in this LEED Gold certified facility!


From LEED's the reviews


Introduced in 1930, SNICKERS was named after the favorite horse of the Mars family. In order to meet increasing demand for its Peanut M&M’S and bite-size SNICKERS, in 2014 the company built its first brand-new manufacturing plant in North America in 35 years, which is Food Engineering’s 2015 Plant of the Year Award winner. Although the new LEED Gold-certified candy plant in Topeka, KS is highly automated, there’s a human side to its success—one of  collaboration and mutuality. From the plant’s design and construction to the installation and testing and startup of equipment, Mars team associates worked with team members from CRB Consulting Engineers and McCarthy Building Companies to complete a fully automated and integrated, 500,000-sq.-ft., just-in-time (JIT) candy manufacturing plant. Indeed, the participation of Mars associates with the design and construction teams and the designed-in sustainability of the plant reflect the five core principles of Mars: quality, responsibility, mutuality, efficiency and freedom.

于1930年推出,SNICKERS(士力架) 是由玛氏氏家庭的爱马名字命名的。为了满足日益增长的需求其花生M&M'S和一口大小SNICKERS,35年来,该公司于2014年建成其在北美的第一个全新的生产厂。该项目也荣膺2015年度最佳食品工程工程大奖。对于在堪萨斯州托皮卡的新LEED金级获得者,工厂是高度自动化的,当然也有其人性化的一面,并成功地捏合在一起。从工厂的设计和建设,安装及测试设备的启动起,玛氏团队从CRB咨询工程师和麦卡锡建筑公司的团队成员合作,完成了一个自动化和集成,500,000平方英尺的,合成自动化的(JIT)食品工厂。事实上,玛氏团队的设计和施工队伍的参与和工厂的设计,在可持续发展反映火星的五个核心原则:质量,责任,相互性,效率和自由。

The new $270 million facility at Topeka Kansas is close to major roadways I-70 and US Route 75 and has access to rail.  Topeka is also home to some other well-known food and beverage processors, such as U.S. Foods, Del Monte Foods, Frito-Lay, Reser’s Foods, Hill’s Nutrition and Bimbo Bakeries.

在堪萨斯州的托皮卡总投资在$ 27亿的新工厂,临近美国I-70和美国75号公路等主要道路,并拥有齐备的铁路网络。托皮卡附近还拥有其他一些知名的食品和饮料加工配套产业群,如美国食品公司,德尔蒙食品,菲多利,Reser美式的食品,希尔的营养和宾博面包店。

Mars Topeka earned LEED Gold certification, evidence that the plant is doing its part to have a sustainable operation. Categories that make up the certification include sustainable site, water efficiency, energy and atmosphere, materials and resources, indoor environmental quality,innovation and regional priority.


特别感谢Dylan Dreyer的 Photograph