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发布时间:2017-4-18 11:16:01

Medtronic, Inc., the global medicaltechnology leader, announced on March 27 the official opening of its newregional 200,000 SF Manufacturing / Office building in Caohejing ExportProcessing Zone in Shanghai, China. The new facility, a symbol of a permanent buildingof Medtronic,first biological heart valve manufacturingbase in China, means the unfolding of the company's blueprint of furtherlocalization in China, including local product development and manufacturing. 


Executive Vice-Presidentand Group President of the Cardiovascular Business, Mike Coyle, was joined by GroupPresident and CEO, Omar Ishrak, and Mayor of Shanghai,Mr. Yang Xiong , MedtronicVice President and President of Medtronic Greater China, Simon Li, and medicalexperts, to inaugurate the event.

集团总裁兼首席执行官奥马尔•伊什拉克和上海市市长杨雄先生,以及集团执行副总裁兼心血管事业集团总裁Mike Coyle参加了开幕仪式。开幕仪式由美敦力公司副总裁兼大中华区总裁李希烈先生主持。

"I am very glad to see Medtronic has apermanent home in China, Factory construction is very good, the localgovernment also strongly support us, which means we will have a higher-levelplatform for future development in the region. We are in China in a position toeven better fulfill the company's mission of alleviating pain, restoring healthand extending life in China," said Mike Coyle.

集团执行副总裁兼心血管事业集团总裁Mike Coyle 说:“我非常高兴看到美敦力在中国有一个永久的家园,工厂建设非常好,地方政府也大力支持我们,这意味着我们将有一个更高层次的未来发展平台,我们在中国更好地履行公司职责,完成为中国人民生活减轻痛苦,恢复健康和延续生命的使命,“

In 2011, Medtronic had been awarded theregional headquarters status for multinational companies by the Shanghai Government.


"The regional headquarters statusawarded by the Chinese Government is recognition for Medtronic's efforts andachievements in the past 15 years and for the company's future plan in China.The status and the opening of the new building is a milestone in Medtronic'sdevelopment in China," said Li.


Medtronic, Inc., headquartered inMinneapolis, Minnesota, is the world's leading medical technology company –alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for people with chronicdisease. 


Medtronic Greater China is headquartered inShanghai, China, and has business operations in mainland China, Hong Kong andTaiwan. Medtronic opened its first office in Shanghai Zhangjiang High Tech Parkin 1996.





